When the coronavirus pandemic forced millions of musicians into their homes, music software company JamKazam saw its free user number increase with 2600%. Yes, that’s two zeros. JamKazam is multi-track music platform and social network, enabling musicians to play music together in real time from different locations over the internet. But JamKazam is not the only winner. In April […]
Time for a brand workout: 5 B2B brand elements to work on during Corona times
Until recently, when somebody advised me to work on my own marketing and take the time to review my marketing strategy, this was my natural reaction:We had stuff to do, right? Clients, meetings, deadlines, the dishes… But that was before anyone knew that a pandemic could bring an entire world economy to a halt. As bad as […]
7 ways to create more unique content in 2020
Every time I write a blog post or an email newsletter, I struggle with the same question: has this been said before? Yes, content can make a connection with your audience and help to position yourself as an authority in your field. But how can you be seen as an authority if you regurgitate ideas that […]
Telling thermal stories: how FLIR Systems uses case studies to attract customers
Thermal cameras used to be a cool gimmick in Predator movies. But today, they are all over the place. I had a chat with Fredrik Wallberg, Director of Marketing at thermal camera manufacturer FLIR Systems. We talked about application stories and how FLIR uses the power of storytelling to attract customers.People use thermal cameras for […]
7 things I’ve learned in 15 years of case study writing
“So, what do you do?” It’s probably the most frequently asked question at network receptions and parties. When I tell people I’m a copywriter, I often see their eyes glaze over. But then I try: “I write content for businesses.” Continue Reading
The ‘secret’ high-paying niche every freelance B2B writer should know
Do you want to earn more as a freelance copywriter? Then let me get one persistent misconception out of the way. If you want to raise your income as a copywriter, you don’t need more customers. Continue Reading